NCOVID-19 Update in Nepal & Safe to travel

NCOVID-19 Update in Nepal & Safe to travel

The recent global health threat of novel coronavirus (NCOVID-19) outbreak began in Wuhan, China in December 2019. The virus has infected tens of thousands of people in many countries and every now and then people are getting tested for the new coronavirus as the number of confirmed cases might spike again. According to the latest source by WHO dated 29th Feb 2020, globally 85,403 confirmed cases with 1,753 new cases mainly affecting China alone 79,394 confirmed cases with 435 new cases.

Due to this fear, the number of travelers worldwide has had their itineraries changed or canceled. This has left many people with questions and concerns about the safety of traveling by flight, cruise or other means. Prospective travelers may worry about the risk of contracting the virus as well as the chance that they might get quarantined in a foreign port if their fellow travelers get sick.

To keep you abreast of this NCOVID-19 updates, those traveling to Nepal either for vacation, business or research purpose, we would like to bring to a notice that so far Nepal has only one confirmed case for coronavirus. The person is released from the hospital subsequent to making a full recuperation and is under regular monitoring. No such new case confirmed so far and Nepal is safe to travel. Don't hold yourself back in canceling your trip as the government of Nepal is doing all it can to stop coronavirus entering the nation and make Nepal a safe destination. In this context, we have the notice attached from our Nepal Tourism Board. However, necessary precaution is needed just in case and it all starts from you only.

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